Case Study
Adder Bookkeeping
Adder Bookkeeping wanted to redevelop the company’s brand through the introduction of a character – a snake. Adder is a play on “add up”, and Helen, the business owner, loves snakes.
Helen and Ray Bower wanted to grow their company. They knew that part of the strategy would have to include doing things differently, so they are noticed and remembered.
Although another branding company advised Helen against using a snake. We took on the challenge.

Developing The Character
The first challenge was to strip the character of its fear factor by making him more cartoony. Then we pulled the cartoony feel back a bit to bring him closer to B2B brand principles. We also turned him into wood to further distance him from a real snake. This helped anchor him in the real world – another technique that allows characters to fit B2B brands.
Once everyone was happy with the look and feel of Alphonso, we modelled, textured and rigged him in 3D.
The next step was to convert 3D Alphonso into a 2D illustration for the logo.

Alphonso meets the world
And then we were ready to unleash Alphonso on the world. We produced six videos of Helen talking about the services offered by Adder Bookkeeping. We animated Alphonso as a brand statement sidekick to Helen. This is also where we introduced a secondary theme: puzzles, another love Helen has.
These illustrations were then used to theme Adder Bookkeeping’s social media pages
We also created some pullup banners and promotional postcards.

Nothing pleases us more than when our client’s do well.
In 2020 Adder Bookkeeping won the coveted LUCA AWARD for Social Media Influencer of the Year at the National ICBUK awards ceremony.