Helping you
persuade others
Some of the many outstanding companies we've worked with:
Animation strip away unnecessary information,
so only what’s needed to persuade remains.
Animation has the ability to glue people to the message through creative storytelling.
Animation strip away unnecessary information,
so only what’s needed to persuade remains.
What Our Clients Say
Our Work
Trusted By Many
How effective will an animation be at persuading? That depends on how well the production company understand the cognitive systems which govern the decision-making process.
WAKSTER has been working on developing a practical framework for understanding how the mind makes decisions for nearly two decades. The system is unique and powerful. We constantly refine the framework with the latest research findings in psychology, neuroscience and behavioural economics.
The value we offer is not so much in our character, animation or design skills - although we’re very good at those things - but in our ability to craft compelling stories, underpinned by behavioural science. That's what separates us from other animation studios.
We know how to connect with hearts and minds.
Case Studies