The Elusiveness of Marketing Success – Part 1
Connections Why is digital marketing success so elusive? When you look at all the resources we have around us, all the thousands of “how...
Strap a rocket-pack to your sales pitch!
Selling consultancy, training or any other service where imparting knowledge is a key part of the marketing process often requires...
Empower e-learning with characters and stories
There is little doubt that technology has revolutionized learning. Although there is a long list of e-learning advantages there are also...
Send your clone out to do your marketing!
The problem with selling a consultancy or training service is that you are selling something intangible. That requires a tremendous...
Building Visibility
One of the greatest challenges for many consultancies and educators is creating and sustaining visibility among prospects and clients....
The Consultant’s Brand
Seth Godin defines a brand as “a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s...
Generating Traffic through User Generated Content
Give Tom, Dick and Sally a truckload of thingamajigs and a spanner to put it all together and soon they will be creating stuff that they...
Generating Traffic through Games
A great game is the same as chair covered in super-glue. You sit down and you are stuck. Your intention might have been to sit down for a...
Generating Traffic through Viral Marketing
Take a product, service or idea, stick a whizz-bang idea onto it, place this sizzling package in the midst of an infectious,...
World War M
B2B Marketing is a nightmare. Here's why.